Tag Archives: pacific rim

Best in Entertainment 2013

Over the last few weeks we have ran a poll asking for the Best in Entertainment of 2013, these are Cumberland’s answers.


The Hunger Games: Catching Fire 

25% of the votes

This sequel clearly caught fire with the CU campus winning a quarter of the votes.

Cumberland’s Vote for Best Movie of 2013

EAO’s Pick

Pacific Rim 20%

A pretty close second place that was the majority of EAO members favorite was Guillermo Del Toro’ s new visually striking action movie.

EAO’s Pick


Katy Perry- “Roar”

14% of the votes

Katy Perry’s Tarzan jungle adventure won the place of the most voted single song.

Cumberland’s Vote for Best Song of 2013

Best Album:

RAM by Daft Punk

28% of the votes

While Katy Perry got the most votes on “Roar“, more votes were dedicated to several song from the new Daft Punk album.


Pokemon X and Y

28% of the votes

Pokemon is not just for kids as it won the spot for the best game for CU students.

Cumberland's Vote for Best Video Game of 2013

Cumberland’s Vote for Best Video Game of 2013


Steven Universe

35% of the votes

The lovable new Cartoon Network show stole the lead with the next place, NBC’s The Blacklist, only getting 14% of the votes.

Cumberland's Vote for Best Show of 2013

Cumberland’s Vote for Best Show of 2013

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2013 Summer Blockbusters: Buy, Rent, or Skip

2013 saw a lot of Summer Blockbusters or did it? With many of them now coming out of Theaters and going on to DVD/Blu-ray, we want to help you find the jems and miss the flops. 

Picture from comicsbeat.com

Picture from comicsbeat.com

Iron Man 3: Skip 

Tony Stark in his first outing on his own since the widely successful Avengers falls short of being anything new or exciting. Many of the villains feel like retooled versions of past Iron Man villains. Disney’s new Marvel Movie Empire is surprising bare in this movie, and not in a good way. The surprise character bait and switch was the third strike therefore making Shane Black’s Iron Man 3 a definite Skip. (Don’t worry nothing Thor, Captain America, or even Avenger related happened in the whole movie)

  Star Trek Into Darkness: Rent

  J.J. Abrams’ Star Trek universe was shaped in the first film and is explored in the sequel.  BBC Sherlock star Benedict Cumberbatch excels as a cold and calculated villain. Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto and the rest of the returning cast feel much more at home compared to the first film. While suffering only mildly to some plot hiccups and attempting to re-brand a classic villain, this sequel does not really disappoint. Overall the film should be seen by Trekkies and non-trekkies alike, a definite Rent maybe even a buy.

picture from http://geekmom.com/

picture from http://geekmom.com/

Man of SteelSkip

Henry Cavill bears the crest of the larger than life Superman in Zach Synder’s Man of Steel. Synder’s DC universe is a dark one void of heroes and that does not change with the appearance of the Man of Steel. Several plot elements feel rushed and many aspects are left strangely open. If you are wanting to watch a better Superman movie than Superman Returns, then go elsewhere because as the name indicates this is not a Superman movie. If you want to try it out don’t waste money on it wait for it to come on Netflix.


Picture from firewireblog.com

Picture from firewireblog.com

 Lone Ranger: Rent

Johnny Depp side kicks Armie Hammer’s Lone Ranger out of the leading saddle, making Tonto the lead role. Contrary to popular opinion the switch is a good one, it builds a literal narrative in an organic way. This re-imagination of the folk hero minimizes romance and builds on an American mythos with supernatural intrigue. No way is it the movie of the century and no I have not watched/listened to any Lone Ranger series nor have I seen The Legend of the Lone Ranger but I feel its at least worth the Redbox rental.

Pacific Rim: Buy

Guillermo Del Toro blends multiple fandoms and exposes an inner childhood dream through cataclysmic robotic and alien titans brawling for supremacy. Pacific Rim’s cinematic universe breaks through many of the recent American giant monster film flops. The film gives a unique perspective and is a visual masterpiece, one that definitely should be seen over and over!

The Wolverine: Rent

Hugh Jackman is The Wolverine and this film really shows that. Wolverine gets a much better shot at a focus than the 2009 X-Men Origins: Wolverine. With 5 other appearances Hugh does not have to convince us of anything and director James Mangold knows that and instead uses that time to show a plot that speaks to the inherent character and sets up future Wolverine appearances. While it all sounds great it is still not entirely a new idea but worth seeing. The mid-credit scene alone is almost worth the rental cost. Overall it seems that we will not be breaking our piggy banks open to buy DVDs. Our suggestion to the movie industry is that to win over at least this fan group, keep the plot simple and direct,while telling a unique story someone wants to hear.

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